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What is Wisdom in Golf

Shawn Clement, one of the top 20 youtube teachers and the only one recognized for teaching without body part or positions, drives the ball over 300 yards both right-handed and left-handed and breaks par from either side, and is also the only one who ever qualified and played world-ranked events with 1/2 left and 1/2 right-handed clubs in the same bag! He is the ultimate expert on golf instruction!

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amarjot Bedi

confused now with keeping eyes behind for dandelion stem and over /front for grass cutting?

Also eyes in front or behind but head remains tilted and behind right?

Last edited 11 months ago by amarjot Bedi
Shawn Clement

It is whichever you feel best with; some prefer eyes in front on grass with the understanding that the ball cannot prevent them from sending those clippings; as in the “stick the finish despite the ball series”

Mohanjit Singh

I like the idea of sending grass clippings as a task. Will have to transition from throwing the club task.


Shawn, I’ve noticed you’ve switched to parking your eyes in front of the ball and sending the grass clippings from there as your task. Can you elaborate on what you’ve found the difference is from switching where you park your eyes to complete your sending grass clippings task? What advantage or difference do you personally find changes with the quality of your ball strike with where you park your eyes? How far in front of the ball are you looking? Does that distance change slightly from club to club? What type of typical “miss” do you notice looking in front vs behind the ball? Lots of questions I’m curious about as I’m still trying to find what task works best for me.



I struggle with what you mean exactly by using “momentum” relating to how should it feel to use heavy momentum in a golf swing? Do you mean just letting gravity do the work with weight of arms and club from the top of a full relaxed backswing? as that doesn’t seem to work for me as I feel I have no power doing that or do you mean a slow, gradual acceleration of the club through? I understand the feel of throwing the club or trying to “whip the snot out of it” but I can’t attach a feeling to what you mean by using effortless momentum. Seems like my best strikes occur when I stay anchored “behind the ball or doorframe” and feel I am slowly driving through the ball with constant acceleration deep towards the target. Watching Cameron Young’s swing with his pause at the top and what looks like a very slow but extremely powerful acceleration deeply through the ball is the closest thing I can visualize to what you might mean. Can you explain the feeling of using momentum using other terms or feeling so it might click better with me please?

Philip Peek

It’d be great to see you play with different trajectories with your wedge, hitting both draws and fades at different heights.

Thanks for another great video.

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