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What is Wisdom in Golf

Shawn Clement, one of the top 20 youtube teachers and the only one recognized for teaching without body part or positions, drives the ball over 300 yards both right-handed and left-handed and breaks par from either side, and is also the only one who ever qualified and played world-ranked events with 1/2 left and 1/2 right-handed clubs in the same bag! He is the ultimate expert on golf instruction!

He and his team will show you how to play to your full potential with our Online Golf Lessons Academy...

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JD Seamons

What’s the general rule of thumb for how far your hands should extend out from your body with the driver? Sometimes I feel like I’m really reaching for it.


Leading up to driver, it seemed like you were moving the ball towards the target a bit to hit a fade. With driver on the higher tee, you have moved the ball towards the target a lot and it looks like you hit a draw over the trees and towards the green. Does the very closed stance cancel the very far forward ball position? I make good contact and get good distance but struggle to achieve a predictable ball flight. I can’t seem to find a sweet spot in my setup. I use alignment rods to focus on target, swing path and club face path. I fight a hook off the tee. I aim slightly right now and have stopped the hook mostly. My ball is now a straight push right, a nice draw on the fairway sometimes, a straight shot on the fairway sometimes and an occasional hook. Improvement for sure but still not good enough for the tight courses we play. I have been a member quite a while and have benefited from your methods. Just not quite dialed in yet.

Shawn Clement

good stuff! I can feel you are getting closer and this is where goldie locks comes into play and is based on the “make the tee summersault over the intermediate point” with a momentum based lasso. This will be the crowning glory on the driver in a few short weeks of premium with the series we just started last week; You can get a nice taste of it with “snap release polish” video, then the “already always momentum sending the grass clippings pitch” video from this week and the “throwing series” driver video as well as the diagonal stance series driver fade and draw” videos.

When calmly doing a PMD drill with the driver with full “out of the way-out of the way” in BOTH DIRECTIONS, feel where the tee needs to be to get collected and released over the IP. Then practice just sending tee tips that way without the ball and get that accuracy down to where the tip is always clipping the centre of the bottom of the club face on the first groove. Then when you have done that a couple dozen times, place the ball on that tee and REALIZE it cannot prevent you from performing that task and that it will just slow the release down a millisecond or 2. Then feel that your PMD is going calmly, and that the shape of the arc is moving nicely through the tee tip making it tumble that way and allow that to happen and then see how you do! Enjoy!!🫶👍😀


Thank you so much for the fine tuning suggestions. I am so pleased with the improvements your methods have enabled me to experience. Just need a little more polish to help navigate our tight layouts.

Shawn Clement

You bet! And I forgot one that I use on tight courses; “driver for accuracy” which is a slightly different set up but one that will yield very quick and lasting results!


Read “driver for accuracy” early this morning before my weekly round of golf. Amazing difference in accuracy off the tee today. I will continue to work on these adjustments and certainly will read the other lessons you have suggested. My Wisdom In Golf membership has helped me to be able to enjoy the game. Thank you for being available to ensure we are getting the maximum benefits from your lessons.

Rob Sillito

Great explanation on how adding force sabotages the kinetic chain engagement!

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