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Shawn Clement, one of the top 20 youtube teachers and the only one recognized for teaching without body part or positions, drives the ball over 300 yards both right-handed and left-handed and breaks par from either side, and is also the only one who ever qualified and played world-ranked events with 1/2 left and 1/2 right-handed clubs in the same bag! He is the ultimate expert on golf instruction!

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nice drill, took 4-5 swings and really felt slightly more width in the backswing right away.


Seems like a great video for recentering when you get out of balance because there is no need to sway or move laterally to do this drill. I have a question, what do you mean by the ‘arms in front of you’ phrase at about 3:30? Arms in front of what part of you? at 3:45 to 3:49 area you move the arms but they still seem still relatively in front of you especially the 2nd position but apparently it is not the right part of ‘in front’ of you so can you give me more a sense of what you mean?


Meaning your back is to the target so your chest or your front is away from the target and so are your arms.

Eckhart Diestel

Shawn has an older video in which he stands over the ball, then turns and pushes a garage door up with both hands, pulls it down again. <- arms are in front of you.

If I am not mistaken, Shawn merely lifts his arms straight up (in front of himself); to get into proper positions, he rather moves his body with his feet.



Good drill and have been wanting to see more on the turn. I have always noticed how much you turn on the backswing. I have been working on a larger turn this year and surprised at how much more power is generated. I’m at least one club longer. It also helps with over the top swings. 👍👍

Knut Herzog

Hi Shawn,
Two questions
– you say something like „dandyline“. I don‘t understand this phrase and I could not find it in the translator. What does it mean?
– Is there a detailed video about the intermediate point concept including fade and draw?

Dean Melvie

Hi Knut – dandelion

dandelion 1620253756.7258
Knut Herzog

Thanks Dean, makes sense now!

Eckhart Diestel

This drill was missing for me as. The edited comments are very helpful. This presentation is excellent.


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