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What is Wisdom in Golf

Shawn Clement, one of the top 20 youtube teachers and the only one recognized for teaching without body part or positions, drives the ball over 300 yards both right-handed and left-handed and breaks par from either side, and is also the only one who ever qualified and played world-ranked events with 1/2 left and 1/2 right-handed clubs in the same bag! He is the ultimate expert on golf instruction!

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Donald Moir

Hi, Shawn,

  1. On the release, I take it there’s no appreciable (conscious mind) difference between (for driver) a release for draw vs fade? The last while, I’ve been focusing quite a bit on release. Currently, my imagination feels that, with a fade, if I do a strong (quick, good, proper) release, that will over-close face to path at point of impact. Whereas with a draw intention, the more release the better (for the most part). Fred Couples a model on that.
  2. Separately: Would a video on controlling driver backspin be possible? The long drivers say that low loft helps lower spin, and that for elevation one must increase AoA (a lot). A recent session experimenting with 8.5 degree driver loft (versus my typical 10.5 or 11.5) gave poor results — lost 30 yards carry and spin averaged over 4000. I gather that strike location on driver face also factors in a lot (lower spin from slightly higher and slightly more toe-ward than dead center). In a session, there might be a few strikes where the numbers line up well; but typically backspin has wide variation and typically is closer to 3000 than 2000. The Ping chart suggests optimal spin sits at roughly 2300 (at my ball speed and AoA of around 4 degrees). (Part of the current issue for me may be shaft related — 41g in L flex, at 80 to 85 mph SS. A shaft fitting is coming in the near future.)

Thanks, again.


Hi Shawn,
Great series! I am really concentrating on releasing the club with a snap in the direction of my target. I am really able to draw and fade Irons (easier with short through mid Irons) and great impact with Hybrids and 3 Wood although less movement right and left. But I just can’t seem to stop slicing or pulling Driver. I use a very strong grip, knife the grip, I’m concentrating on releasing to the taerget feeling the “snap” but they still fly low left or high slicing right. Any further recommendations?


Will do! Thank you Shawn.

Krista Nabb

When you say get the ground, do you feel that’s led by both legs? Or just the lead leg?

Krista Nabb

Do you think the snap is not felt because grip is too weak? Or do you think snap is not felt because release is happening more at the ball? More on snap please.

Philip Kwasinski

I second this motion, i pull and snap hook a lot. Also i have a Garmin R10 and using my 10 degree driver i more often than not have a launch angle of 6° or less with an angle of attack + 3 to 4°.

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