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Shawn Clement, one of the top 20 youtube teachers and the only one recognized for teaching without body part or positions, drives the ball over 300 yards both right-handed and left-handed and breaks par from either side, and is also the only one who ever qualified and played world-ranked events with 1/2 left and 1/2 right-handed clubs in the same bag! He is the ultimate expert on golf instruction!

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So I’ve played shortstop and skipped many a stone in my younger days. When I try to replicate that feeling with the golf club it feels flippy in the hands and I’m missing that under/through feeling. I’ve done the club throw but it is always separated quite it bit in time from hitting balls. I’ve not found a place where I could do both in close proximity of time. Any idea what I can do to remedy this?

Jeremy Moody

Agree Mick10.
Mentally I like the left handed ( i’m a righty) frisbee throw. Left foot grounded with the weight of the Frisbee/arm unit waiting for permission to sling when i’m out of the way. Super lag, nice kinetic chain and my brain is learning (for the most part) to think “I’m going out there”, NOT down to the ground. Love throwing clubs but range staff think i’m nuts. J.


Great insight Shawn. That “skipping the stone” motion really clicked for me. I practice that feel every day I hit balls. I believe this is the reason I am hitting the ball so far especially with my irons.

Doug Wetzel

Does your swing to the ball feel exactly like your throw?


Some days I am spot on accurate with my short irons and other days I’m hitting them all over the place and the swings feel the same. That is the most frustrating part of my game right now.


I will review them. Bolted and Centered is probably the problem.


Jaimie, of course Shawn is the expert but please allow me to give an amateur’s view. When I started using Shawn’s method I had flashes of brilliance followed by intervals of frustrating ball striking. Perhaps it takes some of us a little longer to ingrain the natural throwing move into a golf swing. Stick with it and eventually your consistency should improve. I would also suggest videoing your swing from several angles so you can see if your feel is real.

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