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What is Wisdom in Golf

Shawn Clement, one of the top 20 youtube teachers and the only one recognized for teaching without body part or positions, drives the ball over 300 yards both right-handed and left-handed and breaks par from either side, and is also the only one who ever qualified and played world-ranked events with 1/2 left and 1/2 right-handed clubs in the same bag! He is the ultimate expert on golf instruction!

He and his team will show you how to play to your full potential with our Online Golf Lessons Academy...

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Brad Swanson

Great drill Shawn. During today’s practice, when I was doing this drill, I was getting at least a 1/2 to full club length more distance. It was very surprising to me but a great feeling. However, I couldn’t quite get the ball compression I felt in the drill in my regular swing. When doing the drill I seem to feel more momentum and direction to intermediate target than with my regular swing. I’m still pretty new to your coaching site, so I will continue working on it. Thank you so much for the great content and teaching. I started out watching you on YouTube and using your drills. I saw so much improvement in my ball striking that I joined your premium site. Well worth it!!!

Shawn Clement

Great plan! I concur! 👍😀

Doug Klock

at 4:49 … the clubface looks open. And I also have felt this when trying to keep my hands in front. Is this managed by simply shutting the face at address slightly?

Shawn Clement

Yes, exactly! The deal is you release the stem of the dandelion towards the direction you want the ball to start on and see how the ball flies. Keep closing until you get the desired flight and completely disregard what it looks like. So many of my students don’t close the face enough at first and think there is a problem with the swing…

Doug Klock

sounds like a plan! Thank you Shawn

Greg Schwenk

Love your favorite drill! Was crushing my 7iron and 3wood and swinging my driver faster then ever before. Got to 112mph hitting balls at the range because I started focusing on swinging to my target and not at the ball!

Les Gross

Hi Shawn
Focussing on task is the revolution and this one is so good! Grass whips are very hard to come by in Australia-and maybe we pay a premium at over $A220. What should I be trying to get and what should I be paying? It seems the ideal help for swing rhythm and timing.

Joseph Pavlik

Great video. I would love to see more over head shots. I see a big difference between Shawn’s swing and the kids. Hand positions and path are different. Shawn’s hands and arms in back swing, seem more out away from body and up over head and neck, and less around. Now that I’m 66, I was thinking that age may be affecting this. Is this what’s happening?

Shawn Clement

Not so much no Joseph; it is just the way I came to engage my kinetic chain through 44 years of play! 😝😀👍 We will do a lot more this winter for sure as I have a nice overhead camera coming on October 4th!

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