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What is Wisdom in Golf

Shawn Clement, one of the top 20 youtube teachers and the only one recognized for teaching without body part or positions, drives the ball over 300 yards both right-handed and left-handed and breaks par from either side, and is also the only one who ever qualified and played world-ranked events with 1/2 left and 1/2 right-handed clubs in the same bag! He is the ultimate expert on golf instruction!

He and his team will show you how to play to your full potential with our Online Golf Lessons Academy...

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Sam Nicholls

Hi Shawn, a question on the release. Where do you stand on the “flipping the hands” Vs body rotation release. My hands and wrists are pretty active in the swing and my club will over take the hands maybe a foot after getting through the ball. I’ve had a lesson where the coach advocates turning the body hard through impact which to me feels like no handsy release at all! Your releases here seem more like how I do it so don’t know whether to commit to changing to this “body turn” way or not. Any advice much appreciated

Shawn Clement

Hey Sam! The fact you need to THINK ABOUT turning the body through impact is already SABOTAGE TO THE SWING. The last thing you need to do is to think about turning the body!!!!
See all the “release” videos and see how we are built to LET THE ARM ANATOMY RELEASE ITSELF in the direction we want to start the ball and then see the “throw the club” and “throwing series” and then the “kinetic chain facilitation series” and realize once and for all how RIDICULOUS your pro sounds. It is not his or her fault; it is the state of the game at the moment unfortunately.

Donald Moir

Hi, Shawn. I’ve watched a few of the release videos. For me, I first noticed the “club releasing me” with a 3 wood at the range — it came as a bit of surprise at the time — I suppose that clubhead just heavy enough to get the wrists to flip over without me thinking about it.

I don’t think I am consciously aware of that kind of release with irons or (funnily enough) driver — maybe the driver head a little too heavy and therefore slower to come around like the 3 wood head. (I use a Swing Caddie, so I get the idea of releasing beyond the ball. And clearly the release applies to all full swings with all clubs.)

My question: how conscious should one be of the wrist release in a regular swing? (In practice, we might want to focus on a given feature, but usually not in a “for real” swing.) Right now, I find that if I want to draw my 3 wood, it really helps to be aware of / have part of my focus be on the wrist release. And yesterday, with driver, (power?) fade setup, putting on a conscious wrist release to that stroke turned the result into a draw shape (tho all to left). But being so conscious of this one part of a swing seems to be flirting with manipulation, which of course is not part of WIG approach. Thanks.

Shawn Clement

Hi Donald! When watching the “lead hand release”, “trail hand release”, “release fine tuning” and “snap release polish” videos, if this is not what you are used to, there is a need for you to focus on the “allowing” the weight of the club to release your anatomy and therefore there is a certain YIELDING that is necessary for this to occur. Then after a while, no need to think about it when it happens regularly. Great post and question! 😀👍

Flip Gentry

Shawn ,
This question was answered in the “confirmation focus series part 2”. The snap of the release appears to happen as a result of the lead leg applying force to the ground thereby stopping the body momentarily and sending the “water out of the towel”. If
I have this wrong, please let me know.
Great video and very well explained.

Flip Gentry

In order for the release to occur, doesn’t there have to be a brake ( like a stop) in the motion of the upper body, thereby allowing the arm club unit to accelerate. If so, is it the lead leg applying force to the ground that causes this brake? As if the lead leg is pushing away from the target.


Hi, is our target “cut the grass, tee, dandelion” or the target is where we want the ball to go to. For example, the 150 yard marker in the fairway? I see in multiple of your videos mentioned just focus on one thing. Now if I have to think about cut grass, and set the ball out to field, isn’t going to confuse the brain? Thanks

Shawn Clement

Great question, and you will see we answer this in a few videos too; you start with an END TARGET and then you choose a FLIGHT PLAN to get to that target. Then you choose an INTERMEDIATE POINT to help you line up AND DELIVER your task in the direction you want to start the ball. Once you have made your PREDICTION that the ball position, the distance to ball, the clubface angle and the posture levels are matching the shot, then you only have one thing left to do: LET MOMENTUM SWING THROUGH IN THE DIRECTION OF THE INTERMEDIATE POINT AND OUT WHERE YOU WANT TO START THE BALL. Your set up already matched the end target and your prediction already took care of ball contact and how it was to fly in the air.
See: “throw the club” and “predict contact” and the “goldie locks series”

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