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What is Wisdom in Golf

Shawn Clement, one of the top 20 youtube teachers and the only one recognized for teaching without body part or positions, drives the ball over 300 yards both right-handed and left-handed and breaks par from either side, and is also the only one who ever qualified and played world-ranked events with 1/2 left and 1/2 right-handed clubs in the same bag! He is the ultimate expert on golf instruction!

He and his team will show you how to play to your full potential with our Online Golf Lessons Academy...

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Gene Czaplinsky

Never had weight transfer explained so clearly and beautifully. I have been so inconsistent, looking for the magic key. Using gravity this way is irrefutable. A platform to work from. Thank you so much, Shawn.

Shawn Clement

Right on Gene! Tremendous AHA moment! 👌👍👊🫶

Paul Belcher

Shawn, I have strengthened my grip (although sometimes it’s too strong) and have utilizes the heave up and the coming back down to the ball. More distance as well as accuracy. It’s been very freeing. However, every now and then I go down too far on the downswing and hit the ball fat. I don’t know if I’m going down too far or I’m not extending back up soon enough. Also every now and then I throw in an abrupt opening of the left shoulder that is a hard pull to the left (I’m right handed). Is it right to say that at impact you’re still largely facing the target line?
thanks, I’m probably overly analytical, bit I’m having more fun than ever in my golf life.

Shawn Clement

Hey Paul! Good stuff, all part of the development of a golfer!
next step is to get a solid feel for your release BEYOND THE BALL. See “lead hand release”. “trail hand release”. “release fine tuning”, “snap release polish” then “turbo charge lead hand release (and the trail hand release one too)”

then once you get a nice feel for that with the grip staying intact, you go to the “throw the club” and the “throwing series”

then once we have a THROW INTO A FULL RELEASE INTO THE DIRECTION OF THE FLIGHT PLAN, we do to “predict contact” and “the goldie locks series” to predict how the ball gets in the way of this throwing action.

have a blast!


Charles Martin

Hey Shawn,
Nice video work. Thrilled with what I am learning. Thanks! My question is the minor movement forward before you take the club back. What is that and why? To get momentum going? Something else?


Hey Shawn, At address for the chip shot what is the weight distribution of my feet. What percentage of weight do I want on my front foot to start my swing?


Shawn are seniors badly served by using light weight clubs. From what I can see in your swing, a heavier club may engender more feel. Light may not be right. Your thoughts. I loved this video–nothing about wrist cock–just let the weight of the club set the wrists and throw the club down the fairway.As Knudson said “give up control to gain control”


I did

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