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What is Wisdom in Golf

Shawn Clement, one of the top 20 youtube teachers and the only one recognized for teaching without body part or positions, drives the ball over 300 yards both right-handed and left-handed and breaks par from either side, and is also the only one who ever qualified and played world-ranked events with 1/2 left and 1/2 right-handed clubs in the same bag! He is the ultimate expert on golf instruction!

He and his team will show you how to play to your full potential with our Online Golf Lessons Academy...

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amarjot Bedi

Shawn, finished my tournament. Played super, thanks to you, under pressure “task” oriented swing is what makes a difference.
For the driver – hit the tip of the tee to your direction
Fairway woods – IP close and sole of the club thru towards target
Bunkers – throwing sand ( with an early wrist hinge) made Sandy on all the 5 bunkers in the tournament.

My iron play let me down big time. I tried every task I could remember. In hind sight eyes between the ball and the club or ahead of the ball I did not do.

Problem was I just couldn’t get to the finish, If I did hit the iron on line I would dig so deep and then hold off the club or a punch.

I do feel I have a flaw in the setup, or
I do not commit to the setup or
my ball position , hips get tight, maybe too much from the inside. Or just trying to hit 100% distance with the club every time.

The best shots I did hit was when I made it a point to pause at the top, but also hit a few hooks which cost me the hole. So back to basics.

Am making a video and hopefully can do a one on one with you. Will include my setup process not just the shot.
Happening in practice too.

Btw made the putt of the tournament to halve my match on the 18th in front of everyone.

Thank you so much for your guidance. Irons maybe off but this is the best golf I have ever played.

Last edited 6 months ago by amarjot Bedi
Shawn Clement

One of the best lessons Moe Norman got from Sam Snead at the 1956 Masters was to hit his long irons like his 4 wood. My earliest task that I taught was the “skipping of the sole of the club off the ground” with all clubs including the irons. Your fairway woods and bunker shots suggest this would be the case for you! 👍😀

amarjot Bedi

Hey Shawn,
3rd day today of trying the tasks and which is best for me.
Answer was almost ALL, in their own way.
The reason I could not get to the finish lay in my setup. Under pressure I tend to stand very upright, which results in my arms being blocked as well as my hips get stuck.

All that was required was me bending over, resulting in hips opening easily, arms hanging lose.

Gonna test it to its limit.

Shawn Clement

Good stuff! 👍👍


Hi Shawn. I’ve noticed at set up your irons/driver face is usually pointed to the left (when playing left handed) i.e. open. I have tried that at the range lately and have been hitting it a lot straighter/ small fades as opposed to big draws/hooks or just pushing it straight right (as a right hander). Is that pretty much standard for all clubs including driver? So slightly less open for a draw but more open for a fade? It just seems like a massive set up point and I have never heard you talk about it much. I think making that change is going to have a massive change on my game. Even for driver I was setting up like this and wasn’t slicing it like I thought I would. It feels much easier to rotate the clubface correctly through impact. Maybe a video on this would be good because I haven’t heard this talked about much by any golf coaches on youtube.Thanks for your videos. I’ll probably jump on the eagle sub over winter so I’ll ask you then anyways but its just been knawing at me lol.

Last edited 6 months ago by [email protected]
Shawn Clement

Hey Fin! The problem is that everyone is so different; if the majority did what you think you see at address with me, they would slice off the planet because they don’t have a SEASONED RELEASE LIKE MINE. Because you are getting a better release, then you are able to back off on the club face.

THE KEY I REPEAT ALL THE TIME IN AS MANY COMMENTS I CAN RESPOND TO ON YOUTUBE IS that the club face closure has to match their ability to find the target; like in our “goldilocks series” and the “draw fine tuning” videos here on premium, when we look at the grip and club relationship, it all relates and hinges on the TASK TO TARGET THROUGH INTO THE DIRECTION we want to start the ball.

We simply don’t ever want to look at the STATIC RELATIONSHIP of the grip and club relationship at address as this changes dynamically so much depending on the golfer. Not your fault, golf instruction keeps looking at static positions and having us look in the wrong places…😝

Thank you for the great comment and feedback; we will keep plugging!!💪👌👍


Thanks for such a detailed and informative response. Yeah that makes sense. I am starting to release my hands a bit more through impact but when I start with the more closed clubface I start hooking it/trying to keep it open at impact. Will keep at it and seeing what works for me. Thanks again.

Shawn Clement

You need to confirm that you are getting that release well past the ball into the direction of flight! See “target confirmation series”

amarjot Bedi

When playing an actual round of Golf, do you think of the task on every shot, or is it mainly for when one is practicing. I do keep the IP now for every single shot, and I do try and get the feel of what I am trying to do whether hitting right of the IP and am I in position to do that but at this point does one think of the dandelion stem, grass over the right of IP etc?

Shawn Clement

Whatever you need to think about to NOT default to the ball and STAY with the direction of flight!

Kraig Knudson

Shawn, 1st question- when did you switch to Cobra from Callaway? 2- when on the course and playing well or not well how do you control the NO control?

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