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What is Wisdom in Golf

Shawn Clement, one of the top 20 youtube teachers and the only one recognized for teaching without body part or positions, drives the ball over 300 yards both right-handed and left-handed and breaks par from either side, and is also the only one who ever qualified and played world-ranked events with 1/2 left and 1/2 right-handed clubs in the same bag! He is the ultimate expert on golf instruction!

He and his team will show you how to play to your full potential with our Online Golf Lessons Academy...

Check Out our Subscription plans for the complete Golf Video Series with Shawn.

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Steve Horner

Hi Shawn thanks for replying so quick the video i sent you i came 4th in the competition the next day played in another competition and won it I’ve never won in the winter only in the summer when i got ground roll as i didn’t hit the ball very far but am hitting my driver feather am playing the ball on the inside of the front foot with it will i need to move the ball back to hit a draw cheers Steve

Shawn Clement

Right on Steve! This is why we have a comment section! Keep using it to get help finding the right videos for the job or confirmations that you are doing the right thing! 👍😀

Steve Horner

Hi Shawn hopefully I’ve just sent you a Cople of videos me hitting woods on muddy fairways liked you asked .looking at your troubled lies videos you don’t seem to have much mud round your green either. So many videos on your site hard to find you hitting woods seen a few on YouTube but loving learning from you cheers Steve

George Jarrett

hey Shawn – new member here (long-time lurker on youtube!)….my question is re: the closed vs. open face of the driver during setup. I have a pretty good feel on that with my iron play to work a draw or straight fade, but not exactly sure how that should look with my driver. Hope that makes sense…thanks in advance!

Shawn Clement

Hi George! Sorry I missed this one! Some of my students need to close the woods more and some less and some about the same; it depends on your perception of the club’s design, the design of the club or how you are reacting to the different centre of mass of the club during the swing. See “the goldie-locks series” as well as “draw fine tuning” and “fade fine tuning” to lock in with all your clubs! 😀👍


More battering ram please. I feel as soon as the club is parallel in the backswing it is a battering ram. Then my arms take it up to the top and let it fall like it is a heavy battering ram. When I get back to club parallel my task drives the release and it feels like magic.

Shawn Clement

Well, you are in for a treat because “kinetic chain engagement lucky #7 BATTERING RAM” is the best for last! You will see it right here on Wednesday! 😀👍👌💪


Hello Coach. Premium member here.

Need your expert views on WIND. To make it easy on me I categorized wind directions as following

1. Tailwind
2. Headwind
3. Cross wind: a Right to Left
4. Cross wind: b Left to Right
5. NW to SE
6. SE to NW
7. NE to SW
8. SW to NE

Assumption – constant windspeed.

How would you paint a picture for your brain when playing with

1. Driver (Fade or Draw)
2. Irons ( Fade or Draw)

Thank you.

Shawn Clement

Hello Sufyan! I missed this comment completely! This is a great idea for a series big time!
stay tuned, we have just started on the golf course and will do one there!

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