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What is Wisdom in Golf

Shawn Clement, one of the top 20 youtube teachers and the only one recognized for teaching without body part or positions, drives the ball over 300 yards both right-handed and left-handed and breaks par from either side, and is also the only one who ever qualified and played world-ranked events with 1/2 left and 1/2 right-handed clubs in the same bag! He is the ultimate expert on golf instruction!

He and his team will show you how to play to your full potential with our Online Golf Lessons Academy...

Check Out our Subscription plans for the complete Golf Video Series with Shawn.

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Christian Nepomuceno

Hey Shawn, on using momentum and letting the hands fall thru the ball towards the target…. Sometimes it feels really really slow.. is that the feeling? Because i sometimes feel like when its to slow, trying to rush the downswing or giving it more effort/strain.. i tend to hit from the top and shank it too

Shawn Clement

Hey Christian! Give it some pep with the “kinetic chain facilitation series” and for shanks, see “the football drill series” and the “spinning series”


I played my weekly round of golf yesterday and used your release/wait swing thought. That slight wait does create an effortless opportunity for the club to switch from backswing to downswing. I hit two really pure iron shots to the green thanks to this concept. The improvement in my accuracy with the driver did not disappear since last week’s round either. Feeling a bit like a golfer instead of a goofer.

Kraig Knudson

Shawn, struggling with contact! I have tried looking at a spot in front of the ball, however today I tried something else. I looked at a spot right or left of the intermediate point like 16-20 inches in front of the ball, contact improved significantly. Is this what you’re talking about? Is that to far in front of the ball? I cannot see the ball, just the blur of it and the club passing through that intermediate point. My focus is always on hitting the ball and I have to end that or quit golf, it has become extremely inconsistent, but not looking at the ball seems to help a lot! Would this work with driver?

Shawn Clement

Yes! Works great with Driver! Just like Anika and David Duval, they both got to #1 and both have the eyes way down the target line at impact and nowhere near the ball. Have at it!!! Just place the eyes in front of the ball and at the height you want the driver coming through on and wait for the blur to pass through that spot!

denzil gamache

Good morning Shawn. I apologize for using the wrong medium here, but I couldn’t find an email address. Just wondering, have you ever thought about offering a course where people could become certified instructors of you’re method? I’ve always wanted to be an instructor, but I have to walk the walk first. Also, have you ever thought about doing clinics?

Shawn Clement

You bet! Always on my mind!! Email me anytime at [email protected] if you need to talk! Shawn

Krista Nabb

The great thing about the lasso reference is I can physically connect with that sensation just sitting in my chair 🙂 I really want to be able to get this someday, and as you said in your last youtube video, there’s hope for all of us!!! Thank you Shawn

Shawn Clement


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