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What is Wisdom in Golf

Shawn Clement, one of the top 20 youtube teachers and the only one recognized for teaching without body part or positions, drives the ball over 300 yards both right-handed and left-handed and breaks par from either side, and is also the only one who ever qualified and played world-ranked events with 1/2 left and 1/2 right-handed clubs in the same bag! He is the ultimate expert on golf instruction!

He and his team will show you how to play to your full potential with our Online Golf Lessons Academy...

Check Out our Subscription plans for the complete Golf Video Series with Shawn.

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Tony Bohanan

Hi Shawn,
I am a left handed golfer do i pull down with my right aram and will my right hand release on it’s on?

Shawn Clement

Hi Tony! See the original “lead hand release” video and really think about it as a task of using that sword through a nice bamboo shoot. When you use the weight of the arm-sword unit, the release is something you will need to ALLOW TO HAPPEN and learn how to YIELD and get the arm out of the way to let the tip of the sword (grip of club) pass it. See “release fine tuning” and my favourite, “snap release polish”
Now, what pulls the arm-club unit through is the body’s kinetic chain, so please see “kinetic chain series” and the recent “kinetic chain facilitation series” and the “task update” video.

these will get your understanding of the swing on track and allow you to perform without thinking about the pulling or pushing with arms.


Jeremy Fuller

Hi Shawn, I’ve been having pain in my lead thumb when I’m trying to release the club. I can’t tell if it’s my grip or not enough yield in my lead hand during the release.

As far as the grip goes, I’ve tried your advice of switching to a strong grip. But idk where lead my thumb is supposed to rest at address. Is it to the side of the grip with the club face square, or is it on top of the grip but I rotate the club face slightly closed before gripping it? Which way would make it easier for my lead hand to yield?

Shawn Clement

I have had that pain; when you stay too long at the bottom and don’t go with to the finish, the club passes your hands while the body stops and you get it in the lead hand, thumb and wrist. In my grip video, we talk about the thumb tip of the lead hand supporting rhe club at the top of the backswing when hinging fully when you take practice swing with the lead hand only. Then you feel the same support at the end of the swing. See Wisdom 1.0 where we talk grip at the beginning. Also the “grip” video at the bottom of the list of videos by date.

Mohanjit Singh

Hi Shawn,Can we do this with swing caddy?

Shawn Clement

Yes, did you see Savannah’s little training set with it? https://youtu.be/FZjJGgL8QEY

Thomas Parisi

Hey there Shawn – the emphasis on keeping the elbow in front in the last video was unreal – wondering is this the same for the driver? TY – Amazing the progress of Mu – congrats Mu!!!

Shawn Clement

Hey Thomas! Sorry I missed this one; and the answer is yes! See “the throwing series” and you will feel the difference between throwing a wedge vs throwing a Driver. Shawn

Mark Woods

Hi Shawn, Thank you for this video. Will the drill help if I don’t have full supination of my left arm through the swing? Thank you.

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