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What is Wisdom in Golf

Shawn Clement, one of the top 20 youtube teachers and the only one recognized for teaching without body part or positions, drives the ball over 300 yards both right-handed and left-handed and breaks par from either side, and is also the only one who ever qualified and played world-ranked events with 1/2 left and 1/2 right-handed clubs in the same bag! He is the ultimate expert on golf instruction!

He and his team will show you how to play to your full potential with our Online Golf Lessons Academy...

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Jeremy Fuller

I think I might’ve had a breakthrough with this video. It looks to me like your swing arc is more up and down versus around your body. I’ve been swinging more around my body for years and I wonder if that’s why I’ve been struggling so much to maintain my tilts and execute my task. I’ll think “throw the club to the right of the intermediate point” and no matter how hard I try my club path always reads out to in. I also really struggle with engaging the legs and THEN the arm-club unit on the downswing. They always move in unison for me to disastrous results and/or compensations. I’ve been telling my instructors for years that I’m making compensations because of a bad transition, but because I know how to make my swing look pretty on video nobody’s been able to help me get to the root cause.

Shawn Clement

Yes sir! You are in the right place with these videos; see also “backswing levitation” and “perpetual motion drill series” and the latest “off season training series 2020-2021” where we talk about the release into a hinge of the wrists and this hinge is what takes the backswing up the rib cage instead of around the body. When this happens, the “levitation” takes care of the arms as the brain can now secure the ground in the downswing to engage the kinetic chain. Timing, rhythm, effortless power, no need to interfere, just witness the greatness!

Sean Wasserman

Hi! It seems like you stay very centered in your swing. Does your weight ever travel to the outside of the left foot (for a righty) during the swing? I struggle with “swaying” and am wondering if this is a good concept (symmetrical action in backswing and downswing/follow through). Hope that makes sense. Thanks!

Sean Wasserman

I see it gets pulled there at the finish but just curious about how you think about that. Thanks!


Is the kinetic chain engagement of the glutes and quads going to be the same between the irons, fairway woods, and driver? I am thinking that the driver might be slightly less, since the ball is on a tee and we are catching the ball as the club is moving up on the arc. Is this correct?


I put my ping 3 wood shaft in my ping g400 driver
43 in instead of 45+
Seems to make more consistent sweet spot contact
Opinion ?

David Theobald

Aha! The ‘glutes and quads’ part at the end with the driver is money in the bank! From another video you always asked if the trail foot should be down or up at impact (down) but i could never figure out how until this video – if you bypass the ‘glutes and quads’ part of the chain and just rotate your hips open from the top – there is no way to keep your trail foot down at impact…. ah!!!

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