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What is Wisdom in Golf

Shawn Clement, one of the top 20 youtube teachers and the only one recognized for teaching without body part or positions, drives the ball over 300 yards both right-handed and left-handed and breaks par from either side, and is also the only one who ever qualified and played world-ranked events with 1/2 left and 1/2 right-handed clubs in the same bag! He is the ultimate expert on golf instruction!

He and his team will show you how to play to your full potential with our Online Golf Lessons Academy...

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Anthony Crescenti


I have noticed that in order to get through the ball and feel the slash on the other side of the ball, my elbow instinctually returns to a more connected position through impact. When I look at my swing face on it seems like this returning of the elbow (subconsciously) allows for me to deliver the club through and allow the snap to take place after the ball. I am not actively thinking about this, but with my head anchored behind the ball does this anatomically make sense?


Shawn Clement

Fantastic! Yes, because the head staying behind the ball, because you are staying with the direction you want to start the ball, will anchor this release and cause it to occur in a much tighter window for tighter dispersion and more centred ball contact; IT ALL GOES TOGETHER!! 💪👌👊😀

Paul Gibson

I just love the a ha moments on the journey and this video gave me just that.

I love watching golf swings and always wondered why some of the pros have a little head bob when the club passes their hands.

Well I’ve just been practicing the sword backwards like a left hand swing and felt the pull and then the club rise up.

Then slashing it through felt the same over my intermediate target. But I let go and felt my hole body get pulled down and my head too!

So that’s what a proper release feels like!

Also noticed if I move right and left of target it rotates me to the target perfectly without even trying.

Feels like a new break through 🏌️‍♂️

Shawn Clement

Right on Paul! So glad you are enjoying the content! We have such a blast brining it to you and are jazzed to be a part of your golfing life!

Ron Iwankovitsch

OH! Right-hand feels like a curl when I snap through the ball. I have trouble with my follow-through. My arms finish in front of me, not behind me.

Keith Kelly

Wow! That is not what my release feels like. Great tip about using the sword drill on the course to reinforce. I did it at the range this afternoon. Best I struck my irons in a while.

Shawn Clement

Right on Keith!!

Bob Anklam

Wonderful video. This obviously has a lot to do with timing of the “snap”
You refer to the slash towards the target.
Can you speak to the timing of WHEN the snap takes place during slash? Is it at impact? Or just before or just after the impact?
To me it would seem that it should take place at impact…hence the timing.

Thanks again,

Shawn Clement

Hi Bob! This is the beauty of what we do; IT IS NOT YOUR JOB TO TIME IT!! Your job is to let momentum release you! Please see “lead hand release”, “trail hand release”, “release fine tuning” and “snap release polish” and then “turbo charge lead and trail hand release” Feel what I am talking about with the sword and hammer in the lead and trail hand release videos and feel how gravity RELEASES YOU THROUGH AND OUT TO TARGET.

Then see “throw the club” and the “throwing series” and then finally “target confirmation series” and “stick your finish despite the ball” series

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