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What is Wisdom in Golf

Shawn Clement, one of the top 20 youtube teachers and the only one recognized for teaching without body part or positions, drives the ball over 300 yards both right-handed and left-handed and breaks par from either side, and is also the only one who ever qualified and played world-ranked events with 1/2 left and 1/2 right-handed clubs in the same bag! He is the ultimate expert on golf instruction!

He and his team will show you how to play to your full potential with our Online Golf Lessons Academy...

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Matt Davis

Love it! Hitting fades and draws to a flight plan has not only taken my ball striking to another level, it’s making the game so much fun!
It’s so cool ‘witnessing’ yourself hitting golf shots into a target, as opposed to trying to perfect a golf swing standing over a golf ball!

Shawn Clement

Brilliantly said! Well done Matt! 👍😀👌


This was so helpful!

Shawn Clement

Glad you liked it Vince!


Hey Shawn,

A few questions for you. After drawing the ball for my entire golf career – 50 years, I can now hit it both ways thanks to you and actually prefer the fade these days. I have noticed that my scoring is much better early in the round than later and I think this is caused by me playing totally by feel starting out. I have a task – flight and location for the shot. Today was a perfect example – hit driver right where I wanted to today – over trees with a fade, chip and birdie. Birdied par 3 #2, then as the round wore on, I found myself trying to fix things and wondering what went “wrong” with a shot. Then I start having rabbit ears and things fall off the tracks

The real question is, when you are playing well and then get technical during a round, how do you get it back? We waited on every shot today and I struggle with this and my mind wanders and I can not seem to get it back. I play best when I am just reacting – picking out tasks/targets and hitting shots.

I would love to hear your comments about how to put the train back on the tracks after it derails and is in the woods 🙂

Wanted to mention that I do what you said – I do not hit fades and draws with a technical thought, It is more of a task – hit a draw or fade and then just doing it. When I get technical then you bring in the occasional double cross.



Shawn Clement

Hey Andy! Yes, this is very common when trying to “protect” your good rounds when you start playing better than your comfort zone. This is definitely between the ears and something many players on tour constantly seek and this is why you hear the cliché of “one shot at a time.
1-choose a shot flight plan you are comfortable with for that particular shot; something that would not have you release towards trouble and invite unnecessary tension in the swing.
2-be comfortable over the shot (you did your predictions based on your task to target)
3-what will this feel like when you let that unstoppable momentum go into that direction?
You cannot get to the next step without the previous one being sound.
Do you see something in this process that was missing for you or is this what you are doing?


Well there are a few things here. One issue I have had is moving from 50 years of draw to fade, but I think I am OK with that now – I do as you said – do not aim at trouble playing the shot, I favor a side to take into account a slight fade. I can also draw it if I need to, but the draw is less controllable.

I do have a plan – flight path and target, but there seems to be two stages for me. 1) The start of the round where I have thought about the round heading in and I do not think at all, I just react. 2) Once the crap creeps in and I have to get #1 back. It seems for #2 I am almost trying to force something (which I guess I am). That is the thing where I struggle at times

There is a #3 when mechanical swing thought appear and that is the worst thing for me.

The tell tale sign that I am no longer in situation #1 is I get rabbit ears and hear/see everything. For Sunday’s round what knock me from #1 was hitting a perfect shot that was 1 club too much and I think that stuck in my head and rather than accepting it and moving on, I was second guessing the club selection (which does nothing for that round). I should have made a mental note that I was hitting the ball well that day and moved on.


Hey Shawn
Just watched your YouTube driver video in which you put white Lines on the top of the driver head.
What do you use for those white lines and is it legal to leave those white lines on the driver head if you are playing in competition?
Thanks and that was a very informative video because I find myself hitting closer to the toe so I am looking forward to utilizing this methodology to help correct that and make sure I hit more center hit shots

Shawn Clement

Hey Larry! We use white electrical tape which does a great job and there is no problem with paint or sight lines on the driver as it has been done a lot. As long as you do not modify DURING the round.


Thanks Shawn
Very Helpful… just like everything you do !!!

Maurice Wyatt

Good morning Mr. Shawn;

I’m a lefty and when I try to play a draw it stays out and never comes back. The more I close the face, the worse the shot is. The shots are very low (on the ground) straight with no distance hardly. I have a strong grip if this matters.

Shawn Clement

Hey Maurice!
I would start with getting the flow of momentum feeding in the right direction first with “how to match backswing to ball direction” video;
then we need to get a proper release in that direction; start with “lead hand release” then “trail hand release”, “release fine tuning” and “snap release polish”
Then we use that flow of momentum to throw the club into the direction you want the ball to start into with the “throwing series” and then see the “kinetic chain facilitation” series to seal the deal.

Maurice Wyatt

Yes sir. I will watch these again and work on them as soon as the rain leaves. Thank you.

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