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Hi Shawn — Long time follower of your youtube channel and new Eagle member. Love your stuff! I’d like to book a 1-on-1 either in Quebec or your march 3-5 Palm Springs visit. What is the best way to go about booking a lesson?


Shawn, I play a very difficult Mountain coarse her in North Georgia. In 3 years playing twice a week NEVER broke 90. Today after purchasing your Eagle Program I shot an 83! On my way. i am 68 yrs old.


Can you direct me to the video where you show how to hinge both antomical snuff boxes on the backswing? Thanks, Paul

Tristan Bexton

Been using the lead arm sword feel with predicting contact for the past few months and it is the best task for me since my tendency is to lose width and start the swing with my arms instead of gathering the weight of the instrument. I find it also helps me cement the feel of staying behind the release and I’m currently developing awareness of feel deeper through the ball. This one is so essential and I hope you do a future video on what your students learn from it as you teach it more.

John Carroll

Well you saved another golfer from the frustration of not completing the backswing 😊😊😊😊😊😊
I think this is what happens to me on the course. I will work on this.

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