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Shawn Clement, one of the top 20 youtube teachers and the only one recognized for teaching without body part or positions, drives the ball overย 300 yardsย bothย right-handedย andย left-handed and breaks par from either side, and is also the only one who ever qualified and played world-ranked events with 1/2 left and 1/2 right-handed clubs in the same bag! He is the ultimate expert on golf instruction!
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shawn, good series–I see the point of elevating in the back swing and waiting for the arm/club to start tracking down. I also see the point of having the battering ram go through the door frame. There is one thing I do not see and that is the direction of the path of the battering ram through the door frame. is the Butt end pointing to the target, the ball or somewhat left or right of the ball?
Neither-none of the above! You are using the butt of the club with weight of arms to bust through the door frame in the direction you want the ball to start. Itโs a feel of โunstoppable momentumโ busting through with heft.
I think I am understanding. I do feel the weight of arms and club busting through but still not sure if I am the butt through at the intermediate point where the club will go through or some point inside the intermediary point in the same direction. this is confusing to me and would like you to clarify. Perhaps you can explain on a video or diagram to help me. Because the butt is inside the arc of the club face is there an inside point to shoot for? I have tried your battering ram approach without much success because I am aiming too far inside or outside so anything you can add would help. When I do hit a good shot it works but I am having trouble making it repeatable.
meant to say not sure if I aim the butt
This drill and analogy is to get a general feel and understanding; however, to try and PLACE THE BUTT AND POINT IT THROUGH MANIPULATION IS ABSOLUTE SABOTAGE and definitely the reason why you are struggling.
Instead, be accurate with the blur of the club when you let the arm-club unit fall through butt first! See where the club tracks and match it with the direction you want to start the ball; feel how that momentum is unstoppable!
enjoy! ๐๐
I live in the metropolitan Washington, DC area and winter is upon us. What can I do through the winter months to prepare for the golf season once the weather warms up? I always feel like Iโm starting over at the beginning of every golf season.