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What is Wisdom in Golf

Shawn Clement, one of the top 20 youtube teachers and the only one recognized for teaching without body part or positions, drives the ball over 300 yards both right-handed and left-handed and breaks par from either side, and is also the only one who ever qualified and played world-ranked events with 1/2 left and 1/2 right-handed clubs in the same bag! He is the ultimate expert on golf instruction!

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So my issue is what is that trigger to start my swing,
look at Matt Wolff and you can see what his trigger is 🙂
even in you swing Shawn you have a sight movement forward,
I have a problem that when I have tried that slight movement forward I touch my ball and it moves. So I’ve tried at address to have my club slightly back from the ball I usually hit ground first


Ah! very good timing that video. Couple of weeks ago, I went to see the french golf whisperer (Ed Montaz), and boy, it was worth 6 month of lessons with my pro back home. But back on the course I have actually been struggling with starting my swing, I have that fraction of second where I think “I’m all setup, I have my intermediate point, the picture of shot, what do I do now?”. It seems that I just need to find a way of already be in motion. Will give that a try.


Great video. Especially the drone views. It really demonstrated the COMPLETE release of the club and how your head position stays behind the ball – but is allowed to move. My problem ( one of many ) is that I have trouble COMPLETELY releasing the club. Whether it be from my injuries, bad habits, or laziness I tend have the club stop just as it gets to my lead shoulder and it obviously reduces my distance. Fantastic job – keep up the heat work


I try so hard to be super still before I move to the backswing. I’m going to try some of these ideas to see if I can loosen up and get more flow. I can’t believe how amazing Mu’s movement patterns have become, he giving such a great Demo. Of course, Sav is a great demo model too but since she’s your daughter I expect no less. Nice outfit on MU, he and Sav are my favorite power couple now.


Hi Shawn, This was an interesting video. It seems there were a few different pieces munged together. I don’t understand how you can initiate the coil of the kinetic chain without a stable point (attachment to the ground) so I suspect that there are a number of ways that people discuss initiating the swing but it really all starts with the planting of the rear heel. This is the same in all sports I suspect…throwing a ball requires the foot plant to start. The question I have is around order of execution. If I need to plant to initiate the coil of the kinetic chain and my ankle and hip are the only sources of rotation then it would seem that the heel plants and the hip begins to turn. That would provide the initial momentum to start the drawing back of the club without it being either a conscious movement or something I try to muscle through. Thoughts? It seems pretty clear that is how you swing so consistently.

Last edited 3 years ago by [email protected]
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