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What is Wisdom in Golf

Shawn Clement, one of the top 20 youtube teachers and the only one recognized for teaching without body part or positions, drives the ball over 300 yards both right-handed and left-handed and breaks par from either side, and is also the only one who ever qualified and played world-ranked events with 1/2 left and 1/2 right-handed clubs in the same bag! He is the ultimate expert on golf instruction!

He and his team will show you how to play to your full potential with our Online Golf Lessons Academy...

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Sometimes when I do the third throw I am hitting big pulls to the left and my right shoulder comes over the top. I am probably deferring to the ball, any further thoughts


I can “open the machine” up with the driver and produce adequate results. But with the irons, I need to move my left butt/hip first to start the swing to produce adequate results. My golf IQ is IM a right-handed golfer and I can shoot legitimate boogie golf off the gold tees for 9 holes. If I really “open the machine”, unless I really concentrate not to, I will come down like a mad lumberjack trying to chop a cannonball into two pieces. :>

Is it ok to “open the machine up” starting with my right butt/hip area?


Thanks Shawn! I’m one hour away from teeing off in big tournament, and this pre-shot routine is exactly what I needed! I tend to be too careful / steer the ball / worry about making mistakes. I’ll let it all go this morning!


Thank you so very much. This is just what I needed. I used this preshot routine during my last round of golf and it really made the difference. It is easy to produce great shots on the range but on the golf course it is harder. I have bee searching for a drill or routine to help me stay focused on the task and this was it!
I have been following your teaching for three years now and with the help of your videos I have dropped my handicap from 12 to 8. There is still room for improvement, though. My goal is to be able to play sub 80 rounds on a regular basis. I appreciate your knowledge of the anatomy and the physiologically sound and safe way to swinging the club. As a senior golfer I have been glad to make my swing more healthy and get rid of lower back problems. Plus I have gained much distance especially with the irons. Looking forward to your next video. Happy Midsummer!!


as usual this makes perfect sense; and to get maximum velocity we need to see the blur because it shows us where our body naturally wants us to position ourselves. Brilliant.

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