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What is Wisdom in Golf

Shawn Clement, one of the top 20 youtube teachers and the only one recognized for teaching without body part or positions, drives the ball over 300 yards both right-handed and left-handed and breaks par from either side, and is also the only one who ever qualified and played world-ranked events with 1/2 left and 1/2 right-handed clubs in the same bag! He is the ultimate expert on golf instruction!

He and his team will show you how to play to your full potential with our Online Golf Lessons Academy...

Check Out our Subscription plans for the complete Golf Video Series with Shawn.

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Phuong D

Hey Shawn, do you have a video that has an in-depth explanation on why in the chip shot we should place the ball further back in the stance? I kind of have an idea but would like to conceptualize it better. Thanks in advance!

Shawn Clement

Absolutely! See the “chipping” video in the list of videos by date towards the bottom! Very complete!


I did watch the two mile marker videos and they fit right into what I am working on. It is amazing how much clarity you gain when you watch a video that matches where you are in your golf game development. Thanks!

Shawn Clement

Right on DW! Much appreciate the feedback! 😀👍


Thanks Shawn. I just felt like I had to tilt more to ground the sole of a wood/driver than to sole a short iron. I was expecting just the opposite. I want to conquer the tilt this off season.

Shawn Clement

Make sure you see “tilt mile markers” and “contact mile markers”


I have watched your first three off season lessons over and over. I am one of your dedicated followers who struggles with the tilt. But I intend to get serious about how you close the club face and get behind the ball. My observations – one – it looks like your hands are ahead of the ball with the wedge but end up almost even or behind the ball by the time you use the driver. Two – it looks like you stay within the cylinder of the revolving door by allowing the trail leg to straighten on the backswing and allowing the lead leg to straighten on the downswing/finish. This seems to keep you centered. Am I interpreting these observations correctly?

Shawn Clement

Yes! All your observations are spot on! However the way to get there consistently without thinking about it is through the understanding of the functionality of the “position”. Wedge ball position is back of centre and Driver is well forward of centre; but the set up disregarding the ball looks quite similar. And when you see the “feet together back to feet apart” video, you will understand the leg work better too! 😀👍


Hi Shawn! The lessons, starting at Wisdom 2.0, have been incredible. I’ve been following now for 12 years or so and have never moved off of your teachings. Top notch! You’re understanding of the golf swing is amazing.
Anyway this video using the “feet together” and the PMD were excellent. I used the lesson to tune up my sand game this afternoon and what a difference. Cleaned up where I was off track.

Shawn Clement

Nice! Thank you and so happy you are enjoying your journey with us! We are so happy and lucky and thankful to have you! 😀👍🫶

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