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What is Wisdom in Golf

Shawn Clement, one of the top 20 youtube teachers and the only one recognized for teaching without body part or positions, drives the ball over 300 yards both right-handed and left-handed and breaks par from either side, and is also the only one who ever qualified and played world-ranked events with 1/2 left and 1/2 right-handed clubs in the same bag! He is the ultimate expert on golf instruction!

He and his team will show you how to play to your full potential with our Online Golf Lessons Academy...

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Justin Rushing

Hey Shawn, been working on the swing pretty hard here lately, got a quick question, do you find it easier to close the face at address and grip it neutrally or close the face then square it up as best you can, which do you prefer and which one do you typically use?

Shawn Clement

I love them both but use the latter one; see “important grip update”

Tyrone Williams

Just had another eureka moment! The swing felt much easier when I stopped swinging the club and started swinging the whole “ARM CLUB UNIT” from the shoulder sockets.

Shawn Clement



OK…I love this video….things are starting to line up and get a bit clearer because I think I know that pull feeling! The bad news is when really I feel the pull, I get a good 10 yards more but it is always left and I feel like I am spinning out. When I try to replicate that feel but stay the right of the intermediate point, I don’t feel that same leverage and I lose 10-15 yards.

It is as though I am pulling left hard but when I try to pull more to the right I lose leverage. Any thoughts on what is breaking down or how to replicate that braced pull without going left?

Really excited about this nugget if we can figure it out because my sense is there’s a lot of low effort distance there somewhere. Thanks,


Will have to wait on the next part…when I hit my 150 club 120…it goes 120! but it is easy and I could do it all day. The only thing to check is to make sure I’m I am using the full range of motion and fully engaging the legs.

Shawn Clement

Correct! It should feel easy to deliver for 120 but you get 150 and at way less effort. Full range of motion to gather momentum and momentum to DELIVER YOUR TASK (grass clippings into direction of flight for me) in the direction of flight.


Well that was revelatory…I found that when I ‘won’ the tug of war in the direction I was delivering into my picture, it felt like I was short circuiting my follow through. It was as if I was missing some kind of counter force to brace against the pull and the only thing I could do was short circuit the momentum.

I went back to the video and noticed at about 5:30 mark, you ended up with a nice balanced finish. I had a hard time ‘getting pulled’ into the finish. I felt as if I had to shut it off. Even with the 120 yard momentum feel I did not feel like I ended up in a balanced finish. Is that perhaps a clue about what is zapping my distance?

Shawn Clement

“Lead hand release in the backswing” to get max gather to achieve effortless slash; see also “turbo charge lead hand release”


Shawn, thank you for all of your work and the time that you put in to helping with this amazing game! In regards to the intermediate point, do you have any tips for situations where there is no clear intermediate point that is standing out? I have issues with sometimes losing the intermediate point or not staying with it during the swing if it doesn’t stand out from the ground around it. Thank you, Gary D.

Last edited 1 year ago by [email protected]

On the latest video Critical 1st Two Feet DRAW SWING video you used the Term “Pull” to describe the Swing mechanism for both Backswing and Forward Swing. Can you elaborate further…Are you telling us to “Pull” the Golf club with our Arms as it is being simultaneously powered by the Lower Body?
I have heard you use this term “Pull” in much earlier videos but I get confused because you consistently tell us to avoid manipulating the swing with our Arms and hands but rather relinquish control to the Kinetic chain. So please give us more details on How YOU actually “Pull” the club on both Backswing and Forward Swing. Thanks and this is another great video.

Shawn Clement

Hey Larry! Thank you for the great question!
it is the kinetic chain that pulls the arm-club unit through the ball; I wanted to remind everyone what the body language of this is! To really dig into HOW THE BODY USES THE GROUND TO PULL THE ARM-CLUB UNIT THROUGH FROM THE GROUND UP, see “kinetic chain series” and “kinetic chain facilitation series” (#6 is still one of my all time favourites!


Thanks Shawn
That’s very helpful and I will rereview the Kinetic chain videos again.
Larry Greer

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