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What is Wisdom in Golf

Shawn Clement, one of the top 20 youtube teachers and the only one recognized for teaching without body part or positions, drives the ball overย 300 yardsย bothย right-handedย andย left-handed and breaks par from either side, and is also the only one who ever qualified and played world-ranked events with 1/2 left and 1/2 right-handed clubs in the same bag! He is the ultimate expert on golf instruction!

He and his team will show you how to play to your full potential with ourย Online Golf Lessons Academy...

Checkย Outย ourย Subscriptionย plansย forย theย completeย Golfย Videoย Seriesย withย Shawn.

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The FLOW Series is outstanding – you called it right when you said it was your best work yet. This is the video where it overall clicked for me. I finally conquered the demons of 20 years of bad golf instruction. For me personally, by way of feedback, the number one thing that fixed it was the goldilocks approach of making sure you can swing freely to the ball, at every point in the swing. I now realize in some of the earlier videos that I was throwing the club ‘badly’ and not really fixing things. But starting with putting, chipping and working into that free swinging position with the flow meditations and I’m hitting it pure. I’m sure its different for everyone, but that’s what did it for me.



Shawn, I do not recall seeing you lift your right foot slightly when starting the back swing. Have I missed that in all the videos I have watched?

Jeremy Moody

…As to Otto’s question, I only feel a tightening in the swing at the extremes of movement and only because at the apex of the backswing and followthrough I am no longer in a static neutral stance but in a dynamic windup and followthrough. This does not imply ‘resistance’ but a natural coil, levitation and release. like tossing skimmer stone or a frisbee.
…best of dozens of WIG concepts..using the blur to predict, using an intermediate point and waiting for gravity (timing) to let the ACU fall and allow time to ground the lead leg. ( OK also out of the way…out of the way and na na na na….na na na na)…JM.


Hi Shawn. Quick question. For those of us hitting single length irons is there anything different we should incorporate as we move to our less lofted irons?


Russell Hogue

One length clubs here too. I love them. I love the fact that on every shot, the ball position, forward of center or back of center is only to match my feel of draw or fade. I never try to hit a straight shot even though my short irons are all pretty straight…my mindset is always on a draw or fade flavor. Happy to see more one length Wisdom in Golf folks.

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